Sunny Disposition

When our cat gets up in the morning you

Yet when certain people get up in the morning, they are either always negative including every mannerism, comment, attitude or behavior that accompanies that, or they are of the Jekyll/Hyde mentality where you never know what you're going to get until you get blasted. It's enough to make you want to work in a glass bubble with no one else ever allowed in.
And these comments don't even venture into the world of human murderers, rapists, etc. because it's my post and I don't want to. But I will say, how common is it in the animal kingdom for one animal to simply hunt other animals for no other reason then just to kill them? I know I'm going down a slippery slope here because the males of some species will fight each other, sometimes to the death over the rights to a certain female (bad way to start a relationship to my way of thinking) or "ownership" of a specific geographic area. For the most part though, they are killing for survival, or at least due to their definition of survival.
There are no animal suicide bombers killing hundreds or thousands of others and there are no animals who get some kind of compensation for cold-blooded killing of other animals, except maybe for T-Rex who seemed to simply be angry all the time and intent

So, explain to me again how we are superior to anyone or anything? I'm just not getting it.
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