The Difficulty With Easy

In fact, I haven't been able to open much of anything I've been sent for a couple of weeks other than straight photographs. So what does that mean, did some little chip termite infiltrate my hardware a
nd slurp up the software application I need to do this?

Well, fine. I won't be able to look at any files from now on because I don't know how to fix it. And that is the problem in a nutshell. If ANYTHING goes wrong with my computer, my cell phone, my access to one of my accounts, my computer, my DVD player, my iPod, the malfunctioning item is as good as toast because I CAN'T FIX IT!
I guess the real problem is that you become dependent on whatever goodies you have and then have no patience with them not working and working quickly. Or at least I don't. I simply don't have a brain that can wrap itself around the workings of these things and figure out how to fix the malfunction.
I wonder if most people's IQ's deteriorate over time. I'm only wondering because I'd swear I used to have a much more agile mind than I have now. It's like it's gotten itself into one of those ruts you see in old bowling alleys and it can make its way out.

I listened to a luncheon speaker today talk about his "whack" and how sometimes you get up in the morning and you just don't have your whack. Or you think
you've got your whack and somebody comes and takes it away with bad news or criticism. Kind of like these folks here.
Tonight, I feel like I've lost my whack. It was a day full of confrontation and settling instead of getting what I'd hoped for. There were also way too many detailed discussions, which always puts me into headachesville.

Anyway, now I'm home and ready to go practice since I can't do anymore on this thing. Then off to my workout at which time I'll roust my spouse out of his potato couch downstairs to redirect him into the upstairs version of the same thing. I can't imagine having that much time to just sit.