What is it a

bout the sunshine that sends us over the edge? All of a sudden all that pent up energy and motivation causes us to think we have the stamina and flexibility of a 20 year old and we proceed to overdo it in a massive way. I think I would call this a pheromone attack. It's a lovely thing but then, the soreness lasts an extra day for each year you get older. That means you can be limping around for weeks if you are as old as I am. Once I'm my mom's age I'll be living on a massive, daily dose of Extra Strength Tylenol!
But it's all worth it. Our yard is already in really good shape which means we will be able to enjoy it for the ENTIRE summer. That's a first. It only took us 6 years and a little help from a friend to get to this point. But that's okay. I'm ready to kick back, entertain and simply soak it up.

wonder if there has ever been a presidential campaign for either of the parties like this one for the Democrats. I don't mean the fact that there are still two candidates duking it out as we approach the convention. What I mean is, one of them is obviously the winner and the other is a Kling-On who just won't let go. It was tough enough when Al Gore won the election but lost the presidency. This is crazy.
Thankfully, the candidate who has already won is already taking on

his real Republican opponent instead of letting his past Democratic opponent distract him. But methinks Hillary and her camp doth protest too much. Give it up already! I'm all for a woman in the White House but not this woman at this particular time. I don't know, maybe some miracle will occur and she will get the nomination, that's obviously what she's grasping for causing her to go into tremendous debt. Her representation just makes the female gender look like we are grasping and desperate. I don't like that feeling or being represented that way. Face it like a man! Well, maybe not exactly that since that approach got her into trouble in the first place.
BTW, does McCain think he's funny or sexy or what when he does these stupid poses for the camera? Somebody needs to tell him to knock it off because it doesn't build confidence in him as a serious contender or leader. It's like he thinks this behavior appeals to the younger generation. Guess what, John, we don't want to play with you, we want you to lead us, or somebody does anyway.
Enough political commentary, I need to go outside and make sure my sore muscles add enough more sore muscles to prove I earned the sunshine for this next week. This is why ThermaCare, IcyHot, ice packs, heating pads, Ben-Gay, Tylenol and Advil will always be in business.
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