Seven Days in the Week
Have you noticed how there are many times that when you end a Friday on a certain note, you simply can't get that tune out of your head throughout that weekend? This has been one of those weekends. That doesn't mean I haven't been very busy and doing some cool stuff. After all, Mother's Day with my girls, my mom and more, spending a little time with baby boy, seeing the movies "Baby Mama", "Waitress" and "Juno" cover just a few of the hours this weekend.
I think the reason Friday is continuing to haunt me is that it concerns the future employment of someone, which is a life-altering decision. Whenever I have to make a decision of this magnitude, there are many hours of consideration, deliberation and lots of other "tions". It has to be the right decision.
And tonight is the final episode of Survivor where the last four women, who have survived beyond all the strongest men, will compete and after the elimination from one final immunity challenge the jury will ultimately make the finalist choice. This is the first contest of this sort I've more or less watched, and then I really only watched the last 3 or 4. Maybe it's just me but $1m

I wonder if anyone will ever do an analysis of what types of people actually choose to pursue these reality show contests. I mean, you never see a CEO, a VP of Finance, a president of a company, a manufacturing manager, an engineer. No, instead you see ice cream scoopers, personal trainers, aspiring designers, construction workers, charity organizers and okay, nurses.
For the most part, they all have jobs they can leave and come back eventually.
I wonder if they really learn as much as they say they do or if it's all for effect. My guess is it's about the effect because that's what the whole game is about. This up close and personal stuff is wierd, the music sounds like those exposes they do with the Olympics. Good grief!
Anyway, those are my final thoughts on this final night.
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