Yet agai

n I'm a failure. Here it is, the night before the most important holiday in the year and I'm not prepared with any cool tricks up my sleeve. My staff all look forward to the morning of April Fool's Day with trepidation and here I am letting them down. All I can think of to do it to call some of them to let them know they need to talk to one of the other staff first thing tomorrow about some bogus thing. That doesn't seem very special but obviously I'm seriously running out of time. The problem is, I've done so many pranks in the past, there is nothing I can do on this particular date that doesn't make the staff suspicious.
You know, Antiques Roadshow makes you want to keep everything you ever had. It never

ceases to amaze me how much value people place on old junk. Although, I'm looking now at a photograph of Abraham Lincoln, autographed by him and two letters he wrote to a general during the Civil War, not junk by a long shot. The total value of these three items is about $75,000 - $100,000. It's amazing what gets passed down within families and generation after generation doesn't have a clue as to the value of said bequeathed items.
Isn't it interesting how people make the career choices they do? I'm reading a book right now about a guy during the depression whose parents were killed in a car accident while he was a senior at Cornell University, majoring in veterinarian medicine. Come to find out, they had taken out a mortgage to pay for his education and the house and everything in it now belonged to the bank meaning he had absolutely nothing.

no relatives, money or worldly possessions left whatsoever, he bumbled around and ended up on a train with numerous other homeless types. One of these guys took him under his wing and pointed him toward a circus. They found out about his major and he immediately became the menagerie's vet; hence, the title "Water For Elephants". It reminds me alot of the HBO show, "Carnivale" with many of the same types of characters/performers. They were really big on
freaks for audiences to stare at back then. That as well as a minor obsession with prohibition, or rather with the constant pursuit of booze wherever they could get it. Kind of like some others I know only their obsession is much more recent.
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