Frogs' Legs Aren't Funny

The download of my daily (almost) thoughts and ruminations.

Monday, March 03, 2008

What I Know Now

Today was my first day back at work after almost two months. So, what did I learn about staying at home for that period of time besides the fact that two months is a long time when you can't drive?

- I have lovely family and friends who supported me throughout
- If I don't exercise consistently, I gain weight
- Too much caffeine is not a good thing
- eBay is a great place to pick up unusual items like Disney lithographs and it's so easy
- If you have to keep your hand higher than your heart and iced, you can't exercise
- If the wrong, fattening food is sitting here, and I'm bored, I'll eat it and I gain weight
- If I have nothing else to do I'll cycle through tv, a book and/or a NetFlix movie
- I really don't like to go out with no make-up and blah hair, but if enough time goes by, I'll do it anyway
- My husband is a much better cook than I am, which contributed to my weight
- My cat loves having me home at first but she gets over it after a few weeks
- I hate soap operas and most daytime commercials more than ever
- There are 10 weight loss commercials to every commercial for fattening food
- I think Martha Stewart could probably make a hybrid car out of flowers or craft paper
- I think some of the designers on TLC should be fired
- Local newscasters report the same news again and again each day until they must be gagging with it
- You can't get too many bouquets of flowers
- You can't get too many "Get Well" cards
- There are more places to eat lunch on the east side than I will ever have time to use
- Never judge a shop by its front
- It's harder to be the one waiting than it is to be the one who is coming home

The overall lesson for me is that I will need to keep myself very busy when I retire. No sitting around the house for me.


At 8:28 PM, Blogger kara said...

is that dennis hopper? he looks good.

At 9:10 PM, Blogger The Future said...

Yes, they are my favorite commercials because I imagine myself sitting there, with him, and retired.


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