Time To Turn Down The Sound?
Politics are turning nasty, this is about the time I hit the mute button, every time one of the candidates jumps onto the screen. You can easily anticipate the subject "du jour", it will either be:
- Iraq (a downer in any sentence), health care for the world,
- saving the earth (just one gas/oil burning car at a time),
- the economy (the only way it goes anymore is down and paying people a few hundred bucks isn't going to do squat),
- anti-terrorism (when have we not had this problem),
- immigration (aren't we a nation of nothing but immigrants, excluding the Native Americans
who truly belong here and were here long before Chris or Amerigo arrived),
- stem cell research (why are people so afraid of science),
- NAFTA (what does that stand for again, oh yea, sending work out of the country because that helps us keep prices down),
- the sad state of education (we are quickly arriving at statistics where more students drop out than finish and obtain their diplomas)

OK, time to turn off the tv.
i think it was great that harry went. it's a shame he couldn't stay longer. it's got to be hard to have some pride in yourself as an adult male who's never really done anything but smile for a camera in designer clothes. alas.
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