You can tell I'm back to work since I'm down to only posting once a week. Oh well, better than not at all. And things are a little tense around work since I got back. It's interesting because I can't tell what exactly is behind it so I'm laying low, trying to figure it out. I think the time is coming very soon when I'll have to jump into the midst of the fray but I'm trying to hold onto my relaxed frame of mind as long as possible.
Am I c

orrect, or might this have been a day when there was no natural disaster, no horrible crime committed by deranged humans against their fellow humans, no major environmental faux pas, no significant layoffs, no deadly disease spread, no political mud slung, etc? How refreshing! And if I'm wrong, just don't tell me.
Well, the Selma, Oregon AI contestant is going to be short for this worl

d I'm afraid. She actually tried to countrify "8 Days A Week" and it really, really didn't work. Sometimes I wonder if these kids can hear themselves or maybe their friends are simply telling them what they want to hear. Either way, there is some very good and some very bad decision making going on and she fell into the latter.
I can't believe I even know this...
i can't believe you're watching american idol. who are you?
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