Our Country's Youth
You know,

If their rotten teeth didn't get them, their appendix did. If the hazards of their livelihoods didn't get them, the critters in their environments did. If they didn't die in childbirth, they died as infants. If they did go so far as to have surgery performed, they frequently died of infection. I fear we frequently forget how far we have come and how fortunate we are to be able to rise above all this.

I also think it was a very special coincidence that John Adams and Thomas Jefferson both died on the same day, July 4th, 1826, on the 50th anniversary of the birth of our nation. There has to have been some karma going on there. The last thing John Adams said on his deathbed was, "Jefferson survives". Of course, he actually outlived Jefferson by a short amount of time only. They were soul mates, even though they had their differences at one point, they were closer to each other than any of our key historic figures of that time.
I lov

You won't find anywhere that makes you prouder to be an American. The museums there are the one thing you definitely don't mind paying taxes to support. Definitely something to look forward to.
maybe they made a suicide pact?
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