I saw on the news today that Bill Mahar had to make a public apology for one of the comm

ents he made that last night I watched when he called the Pope a Nazi. I loved the headline, "Are Political Jokes Hurting Democracy"...is that all it takes to hurt democracy. Oh, wait a minute, it's that free speech thing they keep forgetting about. Jeez! Of course, that was just one of many over the top comments he made. You can feel the bitterness and anger just oozing out of him. Not that I have any issue with what he calls the Pope, it's more the way he does it. Although if he feels that way about the Pope, I probably couldn't even bring myself to write in black and white what he thinks of women. He may even scare off HBO if he keeps it up and that takes some serious off-color, profane, racial and/or ethnical slurring. They put up with more than any other network I know. That is except maybe for the network I was watching with Kara's host family in Denmark the first I night I went to visit. We sat and watched a woman playing her naked

breasts (substantial in size) to classical music (at least I think it was classical, that didn't stick in my mind as much as the visual effects). The funniest part about it was she had this bright, cheery smile plastered on her face for the entire "performance". Kara's host dad was laughing so hard I thought he was going to fall off the couch, probably more from the look on my face than anything. I wouldn't say I'm a prude but it was more than I was anticipating for my first meeting of the fam.
You have to admit, we can't really top that here without paying a bunch of money to watch "pay for porn". Actually since I've never done that, I can't say for sure but doubt that would be as funny either.
Then th

ere's the other end of the spectrum. My grandson has fallen in love with the Boobah's. You can pull them from On Demand any time you want but I can't do it very often or my daughter tells me I'm providing him with too much tv. So, he only gets to see the Boobah's once in awhile but he loves them so much, they make him giggle out loud, especially when they dance. What is a Boobah you ask? This is one of those cases where you may have to take a quick look to really get the full impact but the closest description I can give is they are pastel colored creatures from outerspace that start out as combination stars/rainbows and end up as these furry, round, shiny, pod people who spring out of flower/cloud thingys and have big, round, springy bodies with limited appendages and four flashing lights across their foreheads. And they only make odd, humming, babyish noises, no talking that you could understand. But the show provides ongoing visual stimulation, it's soothing and happy and encourages activity in an odd way. All I care about is that he loves it and there's nothing harmful about it unless played to excess. And, he asks for "Boobah's" all the time. It's hard for me to say "no" to anything he actually asks for. What can I say, I'm a doting grammie (or mammie as he called me once). Time with him is treasured.
Boobahs are the devil
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