Well, th

is was a good one tonight with Colin Firth as the main guest and the entire show was spent talking about his penis. It was enough to make me Google search on Colin Firth's penis to see if some Japanese tourist really did get a photograph of it at the urinal in a New York restroom. Actually though, I'd rather just imagine it. The actual sight would undoubtedly be disturbingly inadequate and I just can't bring myself to ruin the image of Mr. Darcy, no matter how tempted I am.
In ot

her news, is John McCain ill? I mean really, he is so pale he looks like an albino and his smiles look more like grimaces. Each morning I keep expecting to hear that he has dropped dead because there is no way he has a clean bill of health from his doctor. What would we be thinking electing someone that old to run this country? How could he possibly take the long hours, the frequent travel, the never-ending schedule day after day? Today I was listening to him tell George Stephanopolous how he was going to miraculously come up with $100 billion his first month in office. What does he know that no one else has known or tried in 200 years? He kind of freaks me out like a marionette or something. Creepy.
Whatever happened to Crocodile Dundee aka Paul Hogan? Is he just sitting in the bush of

Australia fat, dumb and happy on his stupid movie residuals. The first movie was bad enough but making two more of the same was the result of someone having way too much money to waste. Actually, the good part about the first one was the scenery. It was the first time I can remember that you saw some great shots of the Australian outback. I have to laugh at some of the shots, especially the romantic scenes on their "road" trip where they must have been stinking to high hell. I do think the scene when they're in New York and the punks try to rob them and he responds with his Bowie knife is good, that's one serious blade. Of course, they couldn't have made the movie these days because he never could have gotten through customs or security.
Well, I need to get ready for work so I'm off. G'day!
wasnt' that a great interview? he just kept giggling like a little girl. tres amusant.
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