It seems like when Obama was running and even after he won, there was tremendous support for him and for change. I also think he faced more of a mess than any president has seen in recent history (thank you Mr.'s Bush and Cheney). Even though I can't remember Bush actually accomplishing anything intelligent or helpful in his 8 years, I don't remember there being so many critics criticizing absolutely everything he did. The "honeymoon" is definitely over.
Has this country gotten to the point that you can't even come close to pleasing anyone? People I had considered to be liberal Democrats are complaining, people who were on the line are complaining, people who were on the near right and the far right are complaining. I don't know that I've seen any positive comments from anyone. While it seems like Bush was hated but tolerated for being a non-entity, a shallow idiot, a blustering fool; now, it seems like Obama is hated and not tolerated for trying to take some kind of action to address the thousands of issues that are being thrown at him.
I'm honestly not sure he could do anything right if he tried short of magically fixing the economy without spending any money, getting everyone jobs without spending any money, ending terrorism without using the military, providing health care to each citizen without changing anything (not that I totally agree with his ideas on this one), saving our industries regardless of the fact that it's too expensive to produce products here (how many companies have to move offshore for that to become clear). Some say he is trying to do too much but when he turns his back on any one of the country's urgent needs, that faction takes the stage to criticize.
I feel like we're riding in one of those carnival rides that swings all the way to the left then back all the way to the right. We have turned into one schizophrenic country.
Is he perfect and making all the right decisions? No and probably not. Is he moving us forward? Yes. Is he pissing people off in the process? Yes. Do I care? No. Do I want to pay more taxes? No. Do I want to continue to work until I'm 80 because the economy can't get itself out of the tank? Hell, no. Do I have a better idea for how he can turn things around? No. Does anyone? If not, how about showing some support for a change. So much for reaching across the aisle and working together to improve our lot. What a joke.