
does an icon burn down? I thought he was kind of beyond that, kind of like a supermonster? That was quite the blaze, it made me glad we went through Universal in 1993 when KK could still make us scream bloody murder.
I also wonder how Michael J. Fox felt about the loss of the town square with the clock tower he had made so famous, three times over. I wonder if his disease has progressed far enough that he doesn't even really get it?
There's alot of that sad stuff going around. Kennedy with his brain surgery (while awake) to remove as much of the maliciously malignant tumor as they co

uld, Kelsey Grammar having a heart attack, Bo Diddley and Yves St. Laurent dying, Tatum O'Neal succumbing to crack yet again, oh and numerous CEO's being unseated across the country.

In the meantime, Robert Downey, Jr. is riding a wave of fame with his new, "Ironman" movie. The question is can he stay on the crest or will he drop deep into the trough again. I hope he resists temptation and stays up there, I really want him to beat the odds this time around. He's a good guy at heart, a good actor and unfortunately, weak when it comes to his addiction of choice as are so many people.
Business after business is laying off staff, selling stores, trying to scale down

enough to continue to be in business in such a spiraling economy. The increase in gas prices is happening so quick

ly it's like you are in suspended animation, watching it all unfold before you with absolutely no control over the events as they progress. Are these candidates listening to the news everyday? Are they crazy? What a mess! Or, you could say these signs say it best, especially the one to the right...
I'm seriously thinking about walking to work and that's saying something since it's about 5 miles each way. Maybe this phenomenon will force us to get healthier and that's not a bad thing. Wouldn't it be great if the demand for gas went down so significantly it brought prices down. I love that thought but can we make it a reality?
get yourself a bike, lady. gas
these are kind of sad times, aren't they? i'm listening to your old harry belefonte records. it makes things better.
They're definitely times where you feel like you've lost control...and you have.
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