...aka our local fr

action of global warming. I've decided in my eminently scientific way, that global warming in the northwest means it's going to be overcast and
coolish for the rest of our many lives. There may be a few sunny and warmish days thrown in periodically but for the most part what we have is what we get, forever. Let me just say, this area will become the primary user of any and all anti-depressants as a result. There is no way to release pheromones, crucial to your good mental health or to simply having the energy to get things done. I'm beginning to wonder if this is also the area where the most patients have been diagnosed with
fibromyalgia and other such catch-all diseases. It's simply depressing weather when it never lets up for more than a day or two at a time.
Do you want to know how slowly my other half drives, as he pulls away from a light after it's
turned green, we are promptly passed by old people in small hybrids. He drives me crazy. I have to have a book in the car at all times because I can't stand to watch him drive. He claims he's saving gas, and I suppose that's true. In my opinion he is acting 5 years older everyday. The more we are around his mother, the more he is his mother. Anyone who thinks you don't become your parents has another think coming. You absolutely do. You may be able to finesse and smooth out some of the rough edges but the essence of you is that of your parents.
So, as I'

m watching my dad get so confused and anxious about everything, and my mom getting angry about everything else, I say to myself, "I can't wait!". I wonder if all the work on genetic testing will result in you being able to pick and choose the DNA chromosomes, genes or traits you want and remove those you don't. Wouldn't that be something? Would that mean we would no longer need to have any murderers, thieves, rapists or any other violent types? I guess what it would probably mean is that we'd be messing with Mother Nature and therefore not cool, but intriguing nonetheless.
More work to do.
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