I think

I should do a thesis to study the effects of a sunny climate vs. an overcast, not necessarily even raining, climate. OK, it's probably already been done, which is where the term, "endorfins" comes from. No, they aren't some part of the shark anatomy, they are the chemicals you release when it's bright and light outside vs. dim and grim. They are what gives you energy, a positive attitude and general, all-around happiness. I think I've released five or six hundred of them in the last week between Las Vegas (92 degrees to 102 degrees) and the fact that summer has finally landed in Portland, Oregon. And I've walked over five miles a day to prove it!
I was able to adjust to the heat quite quickly, I think it was the pent-up demand in my body.

Once we were in it, it was saying, "Gimme, gimme, gimme!" One of the things I wonder about is whether there are fewer obese people in a constantly sunny environment because they are encouraged to go outside by the gorgeous weather and

there is nothing less comfortable than being fat in the heat. Our main reason for being there was to witness my used to be baby neice graduating from high school. Sigh! Time goes so fast.
Right now I can't wait for baby boy to wake up from his nap so we can go for a neighborhood walk. It will include an extended series of "up" and "down" words along with the numerous other words he has added to his incredible vocabulary. He really amazes me. I'll have to ask my mom tomorrow how much I could actually talk before I was 2. I'm sure he is a genius compared to me. I don't remember the girls talking that much before 2 but I suppose pulling out their baby books would be more reliable than relying on my brain that can't even remember where my keys are when they are in my other hand.
So, what has occurred since I've been gone? Well, I watched "Atonement" one late night while I was trying to get the rest of my 10,000 steps in while pacing back and forth in my hotel room. I know, who says I don't know how to have a good time in Vegas. I ate dinner at some amazing places, especially a restaurant called, "Bonefish", which is in the burbs. Mother was eating crab cakes and moaning with delight the entire time.
I saw a goodly portion of "Transformers", which I have now added to my Netflix queue so

I can see the rest. I was introduced to Jefffff DunHam and his friends Peanut, Walter, Achmed the Dead Terrorist and Sweet Daddy D. I was also introduced to Store Wars, a very clever parody of Star Wars from an o

rganic point of view. And lastly but not leastly, I saw an average looking guy or comedian I guess I should say, perform "The Evolution of Dance", which was phenomenal. I shudder to think what we all had to live without before the invention of You Tube.
It's good to be back (as long as it stays sunny anyway).
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