How much is too much? I ask this question as it relates to many aspects of life in general. The categories that come to mind are numerous just within television alone.

Advertising: just take pharmaceuticals as an example. They spend billions on color, flair and curb appeal for their various high cost, limited effectiveness products. Then, what are we beginning to see happen a few years down the road but the lawyers for these companies find themselves in court defending drug use results they had not fully tested prior to marketing.
Political campaigning: no matter how hard certain candidates try to avoid the mud sli

nging, they all get sucked in at some point. In the world of business, whenever you are selecting a vendor to provide you with services, their bid response are what the contract and service level agreement are based on. Why wouldn't we hold our political candidates to a similar standard, using their many campaign promises to measure their performance.?
Sitcoms: I hesitate to ask this because I don't want to come across as a right-wing conser

vative or a book burner type (couldn't be further from the truth), but are anyone's feelings or sensibilities sacred anymore? Do any limits exist?

or Crime Dramas: I don't honestly think there is a single crime, no matter how grisly or sick, that hasn't been described for anyone who wants the information in graphic and minute detail.
Reality Shows: Is there truly sufficient audience interest to warrant yet another Survivor, American Idol or Big Brother episode?

ildren's Shows: Between Teletubbies and the current version of cartoons, I am totally creeped out. Whatever happened to good old Johnny Quest, Roadrunner & Wil E. Coyote and George of the Jungle? Okay, SpongeBob is the exception.

The News: Am I the only one who is uncomfortable with reporters mercilessly badgering the family and friends of recently murdered people?
I'll save other categories for another day.
The answer to all of these is...yes.
K - How much is too much...yes? Whatevs.
Have you seen that Boobah show? It's supposed to be for young kids. It's crazier/scarier than Teletubbies! Beckett will be watching Looney Tunes on DVD. They just don't make good cartoons anymore.
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