Since when is it less than 70 degrees and raining in August? Where is our summertime? Hav

e I been transported to northern Alaska in the middle of the night behind my back? What in Hades is going on? One or two 90 degree days doth not a summer maketh. If I were a school kid I'd really be upset, I'd swear I was robbed and ask for a refund. No concert in the park tonight. The one positive side to this stinky weather is that I don't mind going to work.

aby boy was here for a few hours today but he was a little fuss budgety since his bottom teeth are giving him fits. So many natural phenomenon in our bodies create such havoc, why is that? You've got your teething thing, you've got pregnancy & childbirth, you've got menopause, in fact - most anything to do with hormones is trouble, including a young man's voice changing and let's not forget wisdom teeth. Life is just awfully hard.

Time for me to leave my diarying to head for my piano. You know what they say, practice makes perfect...maybe with some people but NOT for me. I can always improve though so sayonara.
This weather is pissing me off too.It's stupid. This whole state has a big stupid FACE!
Not teeth, it turns out. Ear infection. Still, your point is valid.
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