Just for Kara
Guilt is the emotion or belief that someone has done something wrong. From a legal perspective, it can also refer to the condition of having done something legally wrong, regardless of how one feels about it.
I feel guilty for not posting in the last 15 days. And my daughter just made me feel guiltier. So, what's worse, feeling guilty or developing hives from all the stress at work? I think I'd take the guilt or maybe I should say I've already gone with the guilt because work has been so bad, I've had no time for this.
Tomorrow night is the big birthday celebration (yahoo-Rock and Roll Cafe with juicy burgers and oily fries) and the next night we will have a Pete & Tracy visit, the next night Vivian, the next night the finale for the Portland Festival Symphony and the last night my niece and fam, then it's back to work all over again.
I think the better quote for me right now is...I've got my country's 500th anniversary to plan, my wedding to arrange, my wife to murder and Guilder to blame for it, I'm swamped! Not only that, I need to go wrap, I'm off to the Fire Swamp.
I'll be back when I'm back.