I'm assuming we celebrate Columbus Day as a token of appreciation to Christopher for

making that long and perilous journey across the sea from Spain to discover our fair land. However, I'm wondering why we continue to dedicate a day of praise to him when he clearly did not discover North America? In fact, I'm at a loss to tell you who did unless it was those who landed near Plymouth or thereabouts in the 17th century.

he closest Christopher Columbus ever got to what is now the United States during his four voyages was Cuba, then called Hispanola. From there, he proceeded southwards all around the Caribbean and explored both the northern South American coast, Panama and some of the rest of Central America.

Amerigo Vespucci went even further south to the point where he thought the Amazon River was the southern access to the Indian Ocean although he didn't try to get there as far as I know. From there, he mostly revisited the same Caribbean ports that had been visited by Columbus.
So thi

s takes me back even earlier to the 11th century, when it's believed Leif Eriksson and his Vikings landed in Newfoundland in Canada. Although they didn't stay for an extended period of time, I believe it would be much more appropriate for us to celebrate Eriksson Day then what we do now. Granted, Cuba is closer to American soil then Newfoundland but the fact that Leif was actually on the same continent has to count for something.

Anyway, the obvious first settlers were the Plymouth Rock crowd in 1620 but that leaves about 100 or so years when nothing was happening, or at least nothing that has been passed on in our limited, skewed American History classes. I think this would be a great subject for a thesis, too bad that's not how I choose to spend my time and energy. I guess that means we'll never know and Mr. Columbus will continue to get the credit every October, at least by government employees.
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