Non-Traditional Traditions
I'm g
etting to that age where I like the hint of maintaining traditions but not even close to full-alignment. Hence Easter dinner today. Yes, we had Easter dinner but it was not remotely traditional. Unless you consider grilled chicken and bratwurst, baked beans and french fries your standard holiday fare. It felt good to break the mold. Yes we had a couple of dishes that would have made any Easter table proud like green bean casserole and macaroni salad and rolls. The rest was pure uniqueness, just the way I like it. Ok we did have an apple pie but what about he Key Lime pie? See I think we successfully broke the mold. Now to see if we can keep it broken in future years, I think this may only be something that happens when Easter is at my house.

I don't think I ever realized Julie Andrews was only 29 when she played Mary Poppins and
only 30 when she played Maria in "Sound of Music". Somehow she always seemed older, she didn't look older, she only seemed older. Hard to explain but either way she is now 75 years old no matter how you look at it and she has won award after award it you look at her bio on Wikipedia.

Well, this is the last few hours before it's back to the grind and I do mean grind. By the end of each week, I feel like I have been through that particular kind of grinder. This weekend I guess I rebeled a bit and simply didn't do any work but rather got through alot of work around home that has been ignored for weeks as I've been working all the time. It was glorious.
You know, when you think of all the big epic family movies over time, they all seem to have one com
mon trait. They all have a female lead, I guess that's what makes them appeal to the family types. The "Wizard of Oz", "Mary Poppins", "Sound of Music", "My Fair Lady", "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang", "Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Family". OK, I just broke my own rule, those last two had a male lead so never mind about that. Regardless, these are all great movies that make you feel good and once in awhile you just need that.

We just finished "Sound of Music" and it makes me want to see Austria...someday.
We started a new Easter tradition as well... our feast consisted of takeout from KFC. Amazingly they were open tonight!!
i saw something the other day where i realized the actor (who is no longer young) was only 30 at the time he played the part. it made me feel...well like time is short. kind of inspiring.
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