Sarah Palin...really?

I just refuse to believe this is for real. How can so many Americans, especially women, be so stupid? 

Do they possibly think she has spent the last 5 months learning her US and world history and geography so she can answer at least some reporters' questions accurately?

An expensive suit does not an intelligent/professional woman make. And she's the perfect example, in fact she made that point time and time again within her public appearances over the latter part of the campaign after they dug her up.

If you saw John McCain wince repeatedly while she was talking, it's a pretty good indicator she's an idiot. This happened time and time again, not to mention the wincing going on in the audience. Does anyone recall her "performance" in the Vice Presidential debate perchance? It was all Joe Biden could do not to laugh out loud at some of her atrocious answers.
Just how many clues do you need?
Come on, you all are smarter than this. I would however support the nomination of Tina Fey!
No, I don't think we "all" are smarter than this. And, mind you, I am not including you and me and the people we know ... no, most of America is pretty dumb and getting dumber. Fox news and the people behind it know this and pander to it to suit their ends.
The days of greatness in this country are behind us; we are losing our position as a world power, as an economic force, and as a bastion of freedom. It's pretty damn scary, actually.
palin is getting a reality show. did you know that? shameful.
Yea, but will the reality be real?
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