Marathon Night

OK, it's here! I'm sure I'm going to question my sanity 5 - 6 times tonight as I'm sitting there watching the screen through my funky 3-dimensional glasses and the clock passes into the witching hour. And don't forget the free popcorn.
anyone else sick of hearing about all these men's affairs? Stop putting them in the headlines for pete's sakes! As long as the media is stupid enough to do that, they'll continue to make the effort to get the publicity. It's disgusting to me, all these "sincere" apologies for all the hurt they've done to their families; it's a bunch of crock. They could care less about their families, it's all about them and getting what they want when they want it. All they're sorry about is getting caught, except for the publicity that is.

And does the Catholic Church abuse of children ever end? It makes you ask a chicken and egg
question. Do only sick men go into the priesthood or does the priesthood eventually make them all perverted? Nothing to do with celibacy is natural for mankind, it just makes sense that it would spur unnatural and unacceptable behavior. It's like trying to build a dyke to hold back a river (New Orleans comes to mind), all you need is severe weather and it will overflow and reclaim the land that "rightfully" belonged to it.

Get a load of this...last night I was watching the most recent Bruce Willis movie, Live Free or Die Hard, where his sidekick (Jason Long) is a young hacker, the polar opposite of the Willis character of course. And who of course saves the day. So tonight I run across this headline out of the UK...
"QUARTER OF UK KIDS HAVE TRIED HACKING, SURVEY SAYS." Most of them have tried to hack into accounts they identified through Facebook, some into their friends accounts. There is no way kids have enough to do. What ever happened to schoolwork? Chores? Jobs? Ti
me with their families? They clearly have way too much time on their hands. This does not bode well for future generations who are already getting into computers by age 2 or even earlier. We go retro with most fads, I wonder if we'll ever go retro to kids playing out in the backyard, riding their bikes or their roller skates or their pogo sticks, or even playing board games. It's just plain scary the direction we're going.

most hackers grow up to create the good stuff though. they fight the baby hackers. like bacteria.
Reminds me of the segment on bed bugs they had on the news. Ick!
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