Frogs' Legs Aren't Funny

The download of my daily (almost) thoughts and ruminations.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

A Weekend with Wonder Boy

I say this because he fills me with wonder whenever I'm around him.
I've never known a 2-3 year old who could recite all the planets, including the moons of Jupiter. I've never known a 2-3 year old who knew his alphabet so well he could actually read books and the signs when you're walking or driving down the street. I've never known a 2-3 year old who could count to 100 and beyond. I've never known a 2-3 year old who could print my name and really wants to write it in cursive. I've never known a 2-3 year old who wants to understand the meaning of words like "similar" as used in comparing two Halloween pumpkin decorations to each other. I've never known a 2-3 year who could name the majority of the color crayons in the Crayola box of 64. I've never known a 2-3 year old who can do algebra, basic but still...!
Until now that is. And I'm going to enjoy my Baby Boy all weekend! I'm sure I'll learn plenty from him!


At 8:12 AM, Blogger Robert the Skeptic said...

We need to borrow him one of these weekends soon... we need someone to do our taxes. *grins* (He really is a Wonder Boy)

At 1:02 PM, Blogger The Future said...

He was reading the Sunday Oregonian headlines this morning, I swear it.


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