Frogs' Legs Aren't Funny

The download of my daily (almost) thoughts and ruminations.

Friday, April 09, 2010

What Does a Tree Mean to Me?

Produces oxygen

Reduces carbon dioxide

A stairway to heaven

The origin of sap, to make maple syrup

A set of monkey bars

A landscaping feature

A source of shade

A source of many fruit like bananas, apples, pears, figs, etc.

A source of nuts such as pine nuts, hazlenuts, walnuts, etc.

The residence of many different & colorful flowers

A roost for owls

The nesting place for an osprey if the tree has been reduced to a snag

A canopy to protect those below from rain

The origin of quinine which is extracted from the bark

The origin of rubber

A home for numerous bugs like beetles, ants, butterflies, hives, etc.

A home for birds's nests like robins, eagles, etc.

A perch for birds in general like crows, blue jays, etc.

Lumber for building all sorts of buildings and accoutrements

Something live to bring inside and decorate at Christmas

The origin of pine oil used in all sorts of household products like disinfectants

A haven for snakes

A hiding place for cats of all sizes

A climbing apparatus for some bears

A scratching post for many large animals like bears and elk

A food source for many large animals like giraffes and elephants

The source of a canoe

The origin of paper

Burning of the tree/tree parts produces heat

Burning of the tree/tree parts produces steam

The structure from which to hang a swing

An outhouse for a dog

A surface upon which to carve messages and/or attach signs

The poles from which to hang a hammock

In Egyptian mythology, the sycamore is where
the soul of the deceased finds blissful repose

...just to name a few.

I guess what I'm trying to say is trees are important to everyone on the planet, me included.


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