Frogs' Legs Aren't Funny

The download of my daily (almost) thoughts and ruminations.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Lack of Food

Why is it that "fasting" enables you to have body testing done? What is it about not eating that provides a clean test since what you ate yesterday is probably in there as part of the test anyway. Now fasting for a week, that would indeed clean you out. I'm not scientific but I do question some of these kinds of things.

Mind you I'm not volunteering to fast for a week, just 10 hours of it caused me enough pain as my ongoing headache demonstrates. And what is it about fasting that gives you a headache. Actually maybe it isn't the lack of eating, maybe it's the lack of daily medication and/or the lack of daily caffeine. Whatever it is it worked on me in a big way.

Does everyone get sleepy when they have a serious headache. It's hard for me to even keep my eyes open. Not only that, these headaches nauseate me. Regardless of how far apart they are from each other geographically, the brain and the stomach still appear to have quite the direct link. At least there is a serious cause and effect situation going on.

All this ranting is because I had a biometric screening today. I have gotten so off track since my surgery I was just sure I'd get all sorts of bad news; you know, diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure. Well, I had a pleasant surprise, it was all good, good, good. I don't deserve it though because I have not been working at it. Still, I know I need to. Activities like walking to and from work sound so appealing, my only issue with it is how early I would have to get up to do it. That's where I have to draw the line because getting up in the morning is nasty. Forcing myself to do it an hour and a half earlier would never last if it ever even started.

So, I have to find an alternative that would give me the same amount of exercise. But instead of doing that, I'm exercising my fingers (and my mind maybe just a little) by doing this. Maybe I could clip my pedometer to my fingers?


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