Frogs' Legs Aren't Funny

The download of my daily (almost) thoughts and ruminations.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Let it Snow, Let it Snow...

So, I really need to learn how to download pictures from our camera into the computer so I can use the real thing instead of some lame google image to demonstrate the facts out here. We got the coolest shot of our backyard fountain. We have left it running throughout the winter so it doesn't freeze. So, the entire outer edge of the pond is frozen and covered in snow but there is this little stream of water shooting up out of the little hole in the middle. It is very cool but you'll have to take my word for it because I'm clueless when it comes to downloading pictures. This is yet another of those "rainy day" projects I have in my lengthy "to do" list, to learn how to do this. That and deleting lots of music from my iPod and downloading a bunch more. Oh, and catching up on photograph albums, including updating my Shutterfly album with current pics of baby boy! So, keep those rainy days coming.

Speaking of baby boy, we are going to put on our snow clothes and walk over to see him this afternoon. We might as well take advantage of being so close, right? Plus, I want to see Quimby orbiting in the snow, silly dog!

Right now, I'm on my way to a cheese sandwich, no not toasted, cold. That seems to fit the day don't you think?

Who knows what tomorrow will bring since Portland is sitting in its own little cloud bank, wierd. I have to ask if you have ever put your tv on mute and watched the closed captions being typed. some of the misspelling is a riot, you almost forget what it's saying and focus on the really crazy stuff that gets typed in their rush to capture everything that's said. I wonder how much those people get paid? A demain!

Thursday, January 11, 2007





Tuesday, January 09, 2007

A Little of the Bubbly

You know, no matter how bad your day is, a little of the bubbly always seems to improve your perspective. A friend and I have developed a certain fondness for sparkling wine, which is actually different than champagne. Please don't ask me to explain how the processes differ or anything technical like that, I just know this one does NOT give me a headache. So, that's enough difference for me.

Tomorrow is the first day when I begin to live my New Year's resolutions. I'm taking the afternoon off and looking forward to it. The reality is that I will probably come home and work later on but that's okay because I'm doing it on my terms and I'm going to take the middle of the day to do what I want to do, which of course involves baby boy!

Now I am somewhat behind considering I've still got Christmas decorations that haven't been put away but I figure they are nice and safe until I get to them, right? I mean, who really cares, right? They are hidden away in the basement so only me and anyone bored enough to read this blog and okay, Kara, know of my failings. Actually, it's not my fault, I've been waiting and waiting for some new ornament boxes to get here from Connecticut but I guess that's alot further away than I thought, like maybe somewhere near Madagascar or somewhere? They'd better show up tomorrow, that's all I have to say.

Boy, I have been so lucky to escape the flu bug that has targeted most of my relatives (unless they are on prenatal vitamins) and friends. Nasty stuff and it seems to act differently with different people. Some people have a sinus headache, some have earaches, some have sore throats and some have lung issues. I'm doing my best to not breathe any air whatsoever.

The award shows have officially started tonight with People's Choice awards. I don't know about anyone else but it really seems like the value of these awards is really diluted by there being so many. I don't know how any of these people have any time to act or sing or perform in general because they are so busy attending awards shows. Kind of like reality shows, it started with one (although I can no longer remember which one) and now there are so many WHO CARES ABOUT ANY OF THEM???!!!

OK, enough of that. I'm hitting the hay. Especially since I need to be up at 4:00 to see if it's snowing or not. Honestly, I have to get on a phone call to decide if the ground is too white to go to work. OK, I'm gone.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Quite the New Year!

I can't even guess how many years it's been since I was in a tiki lounge bar thing. So, that's where we were this afternoon to celebrate a 40th wedding anniversary (and no, I'm not going to admit how old I was when they got married). So we had an odd assortment of umbrella drinks while we were waiting for the happy couple. Unfortunately for them, and perhaps for us, we had gone through a couple of rounds by the time they got there (mixed signals or directions you could say). This meant that we were ALL participating in the kareoke that was running on the screens. Let me go back to the beginning of the day...

We watched Alfred Hitchcock's absolute best of all time, "Rear Window" starring the first ever Barbie doll, Grace Kelly. If I could wiggle my nose and come back looking like someone else, it would be her, minus the smoking part and definitely the driving off the cliff part. It is really amazing how suspenseful a movie can be with literally no action or change of scenery. The entire thing took place looking out of one apartment house "rear window".

From there we went to tiki for a few hours, a fine time was had by all who enjoyed themselves. That would be everyone who is not currently sick, about half of those invited.

Upon my return, another one of my favorites was on while I was firing up the PC, "One Fine Day" with George Clooney & Michelle Pfieffer (whatever happened to her anyway)? It's one of my favorite 2-star movies of all time and I love the music. You've got marbles up the nose, LSD at the playground, lost little girls following cats home and chocolate sundaes down the front of your suit. Who could ask for more?

Now, it's Rock Hudson (talking to himself - his name cracks me up), Doris Day and Tony Randall in Pillow Talk. Would you look at those minks, ah the days of killing animals for stylin'. And yes, the ultimate in bachelor padding. This day is really jam packed with fun stuff. It's truly unfortunate since I really should be putting Christmas decorations away. Oh well, they'll still be there tomorrow.

There is football, football, football running on the HD tv upstairs meaning this is truly a haven down here in the basement. It's warmer and the chair is much more comfortable. It is depressing though to think the weekend is almost half over. I need to accomplish a heck of alot more tomorrow than I did today. Sometimes though, I just need to play.

So, a quick update on how I'm doing with my resolutions:
1) I have scheduled a half day off next Wednesday when we are going out to lunch with relatives we rarely get to see. This will be the first time they've met baby boy who is now 3 months old! I've scheduled the following Friday off to spend with my parents at their place. I'm planning to take 3-4 days off in early May to take my mom & dad down to Las Vegas to visit my sister and her family. So, so far so good.

2) I have not yet called a piano shop to find a piano teacher so that has to happen this week. Plus, I have to put away all the holiday stuff to even be able to get at it.

So, I guess I'll quit this pointless pontification and proceed with packing all the pretty party pieces.