Pent Up Demand
I have a number of blog subjects rattling around in my head but no time to spend writing. Hopefully, sometime in the next week I can find a few minutes, my psyche needs the release.
The download of my daily (almost) thoughts and ruminations.
I have a number of blog subjects rattling around in my head but no time to spend writing. Hopefully, sometime in the next week I can find a few minutes, my psyche needs the release.
We were watching a dog walk this last weekend and realized that two of it's knees bend backwards. That observation, of course, spurred the larger question, what other animals or birds have backwards knees.
- Always believe in yourself; if you always try to do your best and stay true to your values, this should be easy
- Don't let others sway you into doing something that's out of your comfort zone; trust your gut, if it doesn't feel right, don't do it
-Never pass up a golden opportunity when it's true gold vs. fool's gold
- You can't be successful in any relationship until you are happy with yourself
- Tolerance is the best gift you can give to someone; accept what is different, don't fear it just because it is
- Different perspectives aren't always wrong, they're just different
- Care for your body; get exercise, eat responsibly and find peace - it is the only one you will have to serve you for many years