Friday Night

Both Michael Jackson and Farrah Fawcett have been dead for a full year. That doesn't se

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Someone I knew from work was killed in a motorcycle accident on Wednesday night on his way home. He took the freeway exit but missed the turn, hit the guardrail and that was it. One day he was there and the next day he literally was not. It hit everyone who knew him pretty hard mainly because it reinforced how precious and tenouous our thread of life is. He had a wife who was on a business trip, a 20 year old son, he had work assignments, projects and staff, he was an integral part of a team...and now he's not.
My favorite sister of my dad's died this week, years of emphysema caused by even more years of smoking. Aunt Ruth had a great sense of humor and was simply fun to be around. I'm very happy I made the point of seeing her multiple times over the last few years. I'll miss her.
My stepdaughter's mother-in-law is back in the hospital still fighting for her life. She thought she came down with an infection a couple of months ago, she was having trouble sleeping, but come to find out it was her heart that was defective and was pumping blood into her lungs. I won't go into anymore details but she is down to 88 pounds now so I'm sure everyday is a struggle for her. She has lost her ability to swallow so has been fed through a tube since then and has come down with at least two more lung infections from that. They've done two surgeries in the last 24 hours just to clear out the last massive infection.
Not an uplifting blog, I know, but I think I just needed to write it all down, let it out. This is the main reason I do this, to let go, so I need to be okay with it. Everything about life isn't fun.
i love you, mummy.
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