No Replacement
There was an old standard b&w movie on recently called, "The Gunfighter". It starred one of the all-time greats, Gregory Peck. In my opinion, these classic actors just haven't been and can't be replaced by any of the newer talent we have had to choose from since.
I don't know exactly when the term gentleman slipped away from the Hollywood scene but there was a definite transition, possibly in the 60's. At whatever point the most distinguished

Here are some prime examples of what I mean.
Debonair and downright Classy

None of them were brash, attention-seekers.
They kept their private lives as private as they could, they weren't constantly splashed across the media.

If they were, indeed, involved in unsavory affairs or addictive habits, it was kept out of the spotlight. You honestly believed they were simply decent people.

I'm just thankful I lived through the time when their type of talent was truly celebrated. I miss them one and all.
i've never liked clark gable in that way. i'm saying i would probably actually kick him out of bed.
Never say never!
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