He is

taking the country by storm, or at least he was yesterday. But will that be enough? The more I listen to all that is wrong with this country, the more I wonder why anyone in their right mind would want to assume the overwhelming responsibility to try to fix all this? Don't get me wrong, I'm very thankful.
The last eight years have sent us into the most disastrous tailspin in our history, and we aren't even in a depression...yet, he is still in there for another year you know. I just hope the elected president has an effective answer for these many, many issues. Crumbling levees and bridges, bottomless debt, war for the sake of war, declining graduation of high school students (Blacks - 60%, Hispanics - 68% & Whites - 80%) and an economy that is pushing more and more people into bankruptcy, to name just a few of those issues, can't continue.


t night we watched a movie set in 1920 in Ireland. It graphically portrayed yet another example of man's inhumanity to man as the Catholic Sinn Fein took on first the Protestant soldiers of the British Empire and later fellow Catholic soldiers from their own country who were continuing to railroad the British laws through. It's always so difficult to understand brothers killing or even harming brothers. I wondered after seeing this, as I do after learning of any cases of genocid

e, how Ireland was ever successful in attaining their freedom. Not only that, I am amazed the population didn't get wiped out with all the indiscriminate killing going on. Knowing the sheer legions of soldiers and military infrastructure they had to overcome, I'm amazed.
Of course, now that I think about it, how different was this from our American Revolution? It wasn't, just much more recent.
I never cease to be amazed by humankind's capability of being cruel to itself. It's been that way since humans first evolved, sadly it seems we've yet to grow out of the habit.
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