It's funny how you typically think of summer as the season to travel probably bas

ed on the fact that school is out and the weather is best. However, more and more people are taking advantage of the winter months to enjoy far away places meaning everything to do with travel would be cheaper and crowds would be much smaller. Unless, of course, the destination is to a summer environment where their seasons are catywampus fro ours.

an example, our friends just got back from a 20+ day cruise including Brazil, Argentina and the Antarctic. Not that I think it was much of a summer at their southernmost point but they probably had great weather for the rest of the trip.
My daughter and Kansas take off for a three week eastern European vacation on Wed

nesday where the weather will probably be even snowier and colder than ours. I actually think in this case the weather would add to the charm. You know how when everything is covered in snow it looks more pristine and quaint?
Considering trips I've made in the past in March (Denmark, England, Paris) and September (the UK), you can't really count on a certain kind of weather anywhere anymore during specific seasons unless you are prepared to visit a land of extremes like the desert, the rain forest, the poles or somewhere else with a similar year-round climate.
I don't really know where I'm going with this other than to say if you're going to devote the time and expense to travel, you need to jump in with both feet, regardless of the weather.
Someday I will go to Germany over Christmas. I don't know why but I've always wanted to be where the Christmas tree originated during the season of lights. Someday...
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