I w

ill always remember how a day at the park always fell under the heading of a great day from my kids' perspectives. Today I went with The Waif and Baby Boy to

OMSI, which equates to an indoor park. Regardless of whether you are indoors or outdoors (at a park) even with all the same stuff there each time, every experience will be different because there will always be different kids to interact with. Today was great fun and definitely wore him out.
The main attraction today was dinosaurs found in China. With maybe one exception, Velocirapter, I didn't recognize anything I saw or any of their names so I'm trying to figure out what this means. Does it mean that only this previously unidentified group of dinosaurs lived in what is now China or does it mean that these were the only ones in the show because the were exceptional? I guess I'll never know.
One thing I did find out though is that 30 million years ago, a whale's blow hole was half w

ay down it's snout from where it is now (the fossil they had is the oldest one in existence for a whale and was found in the Puget Sound area). And, some tens of millions of years before that, whales not only had their noses and nostrils in the same location we do, but they had front and back legs and lived on land. Now that was exciting new information for me. In fact, the volunteer scientist said if you do an autopsy on a whale today you will find these appendages still exist within their bodies in the form of tiny stumps.

Picture if you will, a whale as it looks today but with a nose upfront and walking down your street. I was having som

e trouble with that so I went to my ever faithful Google Images and this is what I found.
Hopefully your imaginations are better than this.
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